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Writer's pictureSarah King

Happy Holidays, Maybe?


Oh, the joys of shopping, family, and parties! Gifts, drinks with friends, baking and cooking! Really?!  I do love this time of year. I love the lights, decorations, events, and family. But it can be very overwhelming, and I used to think that there was something wrong with me. That I should not feel so down because I am an extremely fortunate person.  

I was wrong. It is perfectly reasonable to feel down at this time of year. Families can be hard. Old wounds can be reopened. Money is tight. Why is everyone having more fun than me? It’s hard. We may have lost someone that we loved and are still mourning, but social convention tells us that we should just be happy. Hallmark and Lifetime tell us that we should be merry and bright, when inside we just want to sleep.  

Is this how we want to spend our Holidays? Stressed out? I know that I do not. Recently I had my last craft show of the year. After always getting ready and trying to make everything perfect, it stopped abruptly. It was stressful and a little anxiety producing.  

This time of year is also very spiritual for some, others may have traditions that they have adopted over time, or from childhood. We love to bake cookies, and then we eat them, (that’s not helpful). We watch movies, and the best ones are the ones that show our foibles.  

So, what do we do about all this stress? We can start by acknowledging that we need to do some self-care. Recently I have realized that my spiritual self is lacking. I have not made time or space for the practices that keep me closer to my higher spirit. I have felt out of balance with myself, and physically it is showing up in my joints. (I have rheumatoid arthritis) I finally stopped and checked in with myself about how I was truly feeling. I sat in PEACE. Then I made myself a new aromatherapy blend for stress and inflammation. I also made a new one for meditation. These will be available to you by the end of the week. Why not try to spend some time in quiet meditation? Turn off your phone and screens and just sit. Light a candle or use a diffuser blend. If you have pets, (I have 2 dogs that are glued to me) try meditation while petting them. Listen to your favorite quiet music. For me it is quiet Christmas music, meditation diffuser blend and my pups together to snuggle and just breathe. Is there a friend that you would like to see? Maybe just for coffee or a walk? Connection can help us feel that there is someone else out there that gets us. Walking through downtown, or in the woods gives us another sense of connectedness.  

To finish my point, it really is ok to feel a little down at this time of year. Taking time for ourselves and for some quiet self-care is not a luxury, but a necessity. We are loving, physical and spiritual beings who need nurturing.  

And, please, please promise me that if you get too overwhelmed or depressed, you will reach out for help. The hotline number is 988. Please know that you are not alone, and that there are people out there to help you. 






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Nanette Sawyer
Nanette Sawyer
10 de des. de 2023

What a beautiful post! Have a peaceful winter!

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